Our Services

Economic Incentives

Many states in the U.S. offer economic incentives to attract business investment. Economic incentives are tools used by the government to offset the initial capital investment of a business's investment in a new facility, as well as the ongoing costs for operating a facility.

Our Services

We offer site selection advisory work for clients seeking to save on upfront and ongoing costs during a real estate transaction.
Site Selection Advisory
Our team will provide analysis of salient site selection indicators, such as labor, tax climate, business climate, and economic incentives. We will use data and analytics to help you find the site that works for you.
Administer Application
Often times, incentive deals are solved due to the bureaucratic process. We help relieve the burden of the administrative process and complete the necessary documents to facilitate the process.
Identify Eligible Incentives Deals
The incentives process is not a "one size fits all" solution. We will work with your team to develop a custom incentives package that meets your business needs.
Obtain Approvals
Usually incentive approvals must occur before real estate decisions are memorialized. As experts in the public/private process, we will work to gain approvals that align with the project timeline.
our process

How We Work

Our trusted process ensures that we find the best suited incentives package for each and every one of our clients:
Assess the project

Work with the client to understand the tax and business fact pattern
Develop a project strategy based on the tax and business assessment

Model Economic Incentive Packages

Introduce the project through an RFI process
Analyze and model RFI responses
Identify feasibility and utilization
Detail approval process and align it with the project's timeline

Negotiate Economic Incentive Packages

Highlight RFI opportunities for improvement
Model project impact
Negotiate to improve or modify the incentive package
Mitigate clawbacks

Prepare the Client for Approval & Compliance

Prepare applications and documents needed for approval
Gain approvals and prepare compliance closeout book
Train client staff on the compliance process

~ Closeout & Project completion ~