We improve the site selection process and secure economic incentives, with the goal of relieving the burden of identifying, negotiating, and securing incentives for your business.
Our Mission
Business Philosophy
We strongly believe in integrity, accountability, creativity and diversity. These four factors are what motivate our work and allow us to create the most positive impact for our clients.
Key Differentiators
Our key differentiators boil down to our quality of service and thoughtful attention to details. We also have many established relationships with members of the federal, state & local government, which benefits our clients by facilitating the incentives process.
Antonio Baxton
Kenneth Gilkes Jr.
Our co-founders, Antonio Baxton and Kenneth Gilkes Jr., bring over 30 years of combined governmental economic development experience to the firm and have established relationships spanning nationwide.
Our Leadership
Antonio Baxton // Senior Partner & co-CEO
Antonio Baxton is a founding partner and Co-Chief Executive Officer of The Business Incentive Group, LLC (TBIG). Antonio is responsible for identifying and developing new business opportunities across the nation and working with clients on economic incentive and development strategies. Prior to joining The Business Incentive Group, Antonio served as a Manager for the Incentives and Credits Practice at Ernst and Young, in their St. Louis region. Before that he worked for the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic serving as Deputy Director for the State’s incentive program, and Senior Policy Advisor for Minority Business Development. Mr. Baxton received a B.A. in Political Science from Southern Illinois University – Carbondale and earned certificates in Urban Planning & Real Estate Development from Saint Louis University, and Economic Development Finance from the National Development Council.
Kenneth Gilkes Jr. // Senior Partner & co-CEO
Kenneth Gilkes Jr. is a founding partner and Co-Chief Executive Officer of The Business Incentive Group, LLC (TBIG). Kenneth plays a critical role in the growth and development of the company's business, overseeing the business development, design, and strategic partnerships. Prior to joining The Business Incentive Group, Kenneth spent over years as an intergovernmental affairs/economic development liaison and public administrator working with the Chicago Housing Authority, (Chicago) Public Building Commission, Chicago Public Schools, IL State Senator as Campaign Manager, 2nd Congressional District of Illinois, and the South Shore Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Gilkes received a B.A. degree from Fisk University, an MPA in Public Administration for The University of Illinois – Chicago, and an MSRE in Real Estate Development from the Marshall Bennett Institute of Real Estate from Roosevelt University.